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Ocean Treasure and Iodine

Iodine is key to many functions in the body, including thyroid, breast, prostate and uterine health.

In his book, "Minerals for the Genetic Code", Dr. Richard Olree talks about 4 minerals which are vital to human health which it would be wise to supplement.  They are Magnesium, Selenium, Iodine and Yttrium. 

Concerning Iodine, according to Dr. Olree, the minerals Chlorine, Bromine and Fluorine are all -1 in electron valence, and when Iodine is not readily available, these substitute for it, wrecking havoc in the human body.

But doesn't Iodized salt provide this need?  The Iodine in iodized salt is in chemical form, and is only about 5% available to the body.  In fact, most Americans are Iodine deficient.  The Iodine in Ocean Treasure is organic - it is attached to a carbon molecule, and therefore is 100% available to the body.  Ocean Treasure is your BEST source for bio-available iodine.

Try it for a month, day, and see what a difference this world class supplement can make in your health. 


180 capsules in each bottle

$50 for one

All our Ocean Treasure Articles


    1. Seaweed and Fucoxanthin
    2. Phytochemical Revolution
    3. Benefits of Ocean Treasure
    4. FAQs
    5. The Need for Iodine
    6. How Vegetable Iodine May Increase Your IQ
    7. Synthetic vs. Natural Vitamins
Powerful Seaweed Research