Research has proven that the waters of
our oceans contain some of the richest
known sources of mineral elements. Rain,
erosion and rivers bring all the
valuable minerals of the earth into the
ocean, and sea plants absorb them.
These vast sources of nutrition may
become much more important than any of
us now realize. Land degradation,
pollution and over farming has had a
drastic effect on the soil. The fruits
and vegetables we eat derive their
vitamins and minerals from the soil. If
the food grown on land can no longer
give us all the nutrients that our
bodies require and need, we must turn to
the rich vegetation of the ocean.
It has always been accepted in Japan
that eating sea vegetables like Nori and
Wakame will prolong life. Now
Japanese and other scientists have
demonstrated that such assumptions are
not so far fetched, given their proven
ability to lower blood pressure and
cholesterol, as well as thinning the
Kelp and other seaweeds have the ability
to synthesize sunlight into Vitamin D in
their tissues, not unlike humans do
within their skin. These are the
only plants that do this in any
appreciable amount.
Seaweed as a staple item of diet has
been used in Japan and China since
prehistoric times. In 600 BC, Sze Teu
wrote in China, "Some algae are a
delicacy fit for the most honored
guests, even for the King himself." Some
21 species are used in everyday cookery
in Japan, six of them since the 8th
century. Seaweed accounts for some 10%
of the Japanese diet and seaweed
consumption reached an average of 3.5 kg
per household in 1973, a 20% increase in
10 years.
The oldest book in Iceland, dating back
to 961 B.C., includes detailed
regulations about coastal property
rights to be respected in the collection
of sea vegetables.
There are records of sea plants being
collected and eaten by the coastal
populations of Northern Europe, as well
as by the people around the
Mediterranean and Aegean Seas.
The Native American tribes such as the
Inuit and Yupik peoples used sea vegetation for eating
and healing throughout their history.
capsules in each bottle

All our Ocean Treasure
1. Seaweed
and Fucoxanthin
2. Phytochemical
3. Benefits
of Ocean Treasure
4. FAQs
5. The
Need for Iodine
6. How
Vegetable Iodine May Increase Your IQ
7. Synthetic
vs. Natural Vitamins
8. Powerful
Seaweed Research