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Q: What is Ocean Treasure?
A: Ocean Treasure is a blend of 9 seaweed species, plus powdered Ionic Sea Minerals. 

Q: What are the Benefits of Ocean Treasure?
A: Most people's bodies are pH imbalanced and highly acidic, which causes a long list of ailments. Here is just a preview of what Ocean Treasure can help your body do. Sea vegetables feed the cells and blood, YOUR BODY does the rest, It KNOWS HOW!
-Promote the repair of carotid arteries, veins, and heart issues.
- Diminish the risk of obesity and diabetes
- Promote a healthy metabolism 
- Protect against free radical damage 
- Diminish the risk of cholesterol plaque 
- Promote healthy blood pressure 
- Promote detoxification of heavy metals

Q: Why use Ocean Treasure?
A: The solution for De-Generation (or Degenerative Disease), is RE-Generation. Your body heals itself with the organic materials you provide it and we believe sea vegetables are the best dietary food in history. 

Your cells regenerate themselves with nutrients provided by the food you eat. Americans are dying from nutritionally depleted diets. Supplementing daily with sea vegetation is the smartest thing Americans can do today for their cellular health. The raw materials (organic nutritional compounds) are so powerful, your cells are given what they need toregenerate themselves, which promotes your body’s ability to heal itself.

Sea vegetables regenerate, and it's why the healthiest cultures that live the longest eat from the sea. The mother of all Plants is Macro Marine Algae. You don't have to eat much, just eat it every day and watch your cells wake up! 

Q: Can Ocean Treasure be taken by children?
A: Absolutely. It is a wonderful source of minerals, many of which are extremely important to a growing child's proper development. The recommended serving is a capsule a day for children 6-12. 

Q: Can Ocean Treasure be taken with other supplements, drugs or foods?
A: Ocean Treasure is not an herbal supplement or medication, but a whole food supplement. As long as there are no allergies to specific ingredients or to iodine, there is no reason it can’t be taken with other supplements, drugs or food. However, if you are taking prescription medications, it is always good to check with your primary health practitioner before beginning a new supplement regimen 

Q: When will I feel a difference? How will I know it's working?
A: How long do you have to wait after eating a meal to know it's working? Ocean Treasure is not a drug and shouldn't be viewed as a pill that "makes you feel" something. True biological health is long term and sometimes subtle. One day you realize you feel better, think clearer, sleep better, have more stamina, get fewer colds and are in a good mood more often. Usually in the first 30 days, subtle signs appear and if you stay with it, you can expect more lasting results. The proof is in the pudding. Ocean Treasure will prove itself to anyone who gives it a chance. How about giving yourself a chance to be healthier than ever before, and order some Ocean Treasure today?

Q: Is Ocean Treasure like fish oil pills - when you swallow them you burp up the fishy taste? 
A: No, not usually. Ocean Treasure is vegetation, not oil from a fish. It is quickly absorbed in the stomach and used immediately. Still, if we take or eat anything with carbonated drinks, burping up the taste of the food is normal. Remember, the taste and smell of fish is from the sea vegetables they eat. You're just skipping the fish with Ocean Treasure. If you want the fantastic health benefits, you may have to get used to the organic smell coming from the active enzymes and living plant material in Ocean Treasure. Your cells don't care about taste and smell, but substance. Give them what they need, and you'll find you'll begin to develop a strange liking to the taste and smell of Ocean Treasure! 

Q: Can pregnant/nursing mothers and Seniors take Ocean Treasure?
A: Ocean Treasure is safe for seniors, though we do recommend that you check with your doctor if taking any blood thinning medications. It is also safe for pregnant women when used according to the label. Ocean Treasure is not to be taken by children under 1 year of age or mothers nursing children under 1 year. 

Q: What is sea vegetation and what is its history?
A: Seaweed is actually a nutritious and multi-talented vegetable, which has been used in many cultures, for a myriad of uses, for thousands of years. It is a type of algae.

Seaweed as a staple item of diet has been used in Japan and China since prehistoric times. In 600 BC, Sze Teu wrote in China, "Some algae are a delicacy fit for the most honored guests, even for the King himself." Some 21 species are used in everyday cookery in Japan, six of them since the 8th century. Seaweed accounts for some 10% of the Japanese diet and seaweed consumption reached an average of 3.5 kg per household in 1973, a 20% increase in 10 years.

The oldest book in Iceland, dating back to 961 B.C., includes detailed regulations about coastal property rights to be respected in the collection of sea vegetables.

There are records of sea plants being collected and eaten by the coastal populations of Northern Europe, as well as by the people around the Mediterranean and Aegean Seas. Coastal Native American Indians, such as the Yupik and Inuit peoples, used sea vegetation for eating and healing throughout their history. 

180 capsules in each bottle

$50 each 


All our Ocean Treasure Articles

    1. Seaweed and Fucoxanthin
    2. Phytochemical Revolution
    3. Benefits of Ocean Treasure 
    4. FAQs
The Need for Iodine 
    6. How Vegetable Iodine May Increase Your IQ 
    7. Synthetic vs. Natural Vitamins

    8. Powerful Seaweed Research